The island’s Mental Health Service’s inaugural cohort of Wellness and Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) facilitators have now completed their training.

This marks the first instance where the service has trained its own facilitators on island, a move that is hoped will enhance mental health support in the Isle of Man.

Comprising seven dedicated individuals, the trainees hail from diverse backgrounds within the mental health service, including representatives from Manannan Court, the Community Mental Health Service for Adults (CMHSA), the Older Persons Mental Health Service (OPMHS) and Experts by Experience.

Each participant had previously completed the foundational Level 1 WRAP training, equipping them with the necessary groundwork to undertake the advanced facilitator training.

The Power of Wellness and Recovery Action Planning (WRAP)

WRAP is an evidence-based personalised recovery plan that was developed over 25 years ago by expert Mary Ellen Copeland.

It was developed from her studies of thousands of people who experienced mental illness and went on to recover.

WRAP is a practical framework that assists in developing an approach to overcoming distressing symptoms and unhelpful behaviour patterns. Expanding Access to WRAP

Manx Care say the benefits of WRAP are not only helpful for people managing physical health conditions and mental health problems; everyone can use WRAP principles to achieve their goals and overcome challenges.

Individuals can use WRAP themselves to manage stress and reduce the risk of burnout.

Groups of people such as a team, a family, or an organisation can ‘create a group WRAP to help people work together and achieve their shared goals’.

The benefits of WRAP include reduced symptoms of ‘common mental health problems’, increased hopefulness and quality of life, feelings of empowerment, and a greater ability to self-advocate.

WRAP courses are currently available through University College Isle of Man’s Recovery College, and once this programme is established there are plans to expand access to it in the near future.

For more information on WRAP visit