An MLC has tabled a Tynwald motion calling for Manx government to press for fairer access to the benefits of oil, gas and windfarm developments in the Irish Sea.

Paul Craine is following up a public petition laid before this month’s Tynwald sitting.

The petition originated with the late Nigel Crowe – who sadly died in Hospice Isle of Man at the start of August – and has been completed by Keith Kerruish and Philip Craine.

At the time of his death Mr Crowe was engaged in research into maritime holdings – gas fields, oil fields and windfarms – in the Irish Sea and he was firmly of the view that the Isle of Man should receive the benefits from those projects that were located nearer to the island than any of the surrounding jurisdictions.

Mr Craine said: ‘He wanted to see a fair, just and equitable sharing of these benefits giving the island access up to the median line (the half way point) between the island and the UK.’

The Isle of Man and UK agreed an extension of Manx territorial seas to 12 nautical miles in 1991 in exchange for £800,000 and the cessation of the 1966 Continental Shelf Agreement under which we received a share of petroleum licence fees and royalties.

Mr Kerruish and Mr Craine’s petition on access to the maritime benefits of marine holdings states: ‘We believe that, just as the 1991 agreement replaced the one signed in 1966, there is no reason why a further renegotiation cannot take place without further financial consideration.’

Maritime holdings, along with a portfolio of land holdings, are administered by the Crown Estate.

It was agreed by the Crown Estate in 2014 that all revenues from the UK’s Exclusive Economic Zone around the coast of Scotland would be allocated to the Scottish Government. The petitioners believe this provides a model for the island.

Their petition seeks that Tynwald should declare as policy that the Isle of Man should have access to the benefits of maritime holdings up to the median line between the island and the UK.

And it calls on the Council of Ministers to enter discussions with the UK’s Ministry of Justice and the Crown Estate Commissioners with the aim of realising this policy.

The same wording is used in Mr Craine’s motion to the December Tynwald. It will be seconded by Ramsey MHK and Health Minister Lawrie Hooper.