A Kirk Michael resident got a shock this week as she came across a wallaby while walking her dog.

Carole Wylde spotted the marsupial in Faaie Ny Cabbal just chilling in the middle of the road before it hopped off.

She told our sister website gef.im: ‘We were walking the dogs and he/she was just standing there. Someone did take a pic of one that morning at the entrance and it was just surreal that we got to see it so close up.’

Not only has Carole seen a wallaby, but Gef has also been contacted by Mark David from Ballaugh whose daughter found one of the animals cooling off in his koi pond.

He said his daughter had shouted him to say: ‘There’s something in your pond you may want out.’Fortunately he said that no koi were harmed and the wallaby ‘managed to jump out itself- unharmed’.