An open gardens weekend will be held in the north on Friday and Saturday.

This event, around three villages in the Church of England Parish of the Northern Plain, give people a chance to see gardens in the area. The nine gardens are spread between the Lhen and Ballaugh Glen and will be open to visitors between 11am and 4.30pm on both days.

On Friday afternoon Lieutenant Governor John Lorimer and Lady Lorimer will visit some gardens in Ballaugh Glen, starting at Ravensdale Castle at 2.30pm

In Sulby Community Hall on both days there will be refreshments on sale between 11am and 4.30pm and free craft workshops.

Details of garden locations are in the brochure which is a ‘weekend ticket’ and gives entry at your leisure to all nine gardens over the two days.

These are now on sale at village stores in Andreas, Ballaugh and Sulby, at the Isle of Man Welcome Centre, and at Kirby Garden Centre in Douglas.

They will also be on sale at Sulby Community Hall during the event.

All proceeds from the weekend go to the Parish of the Northern Plain churches in Andreas, Ballaugh and Sulby.