A government department has apologised after a local food producer was told he cannot have a stall at the Royal Manx Show.
Rory Dorling of Gelatory IoM was invited to be an exhibitor in DEFA’s food producers’ marquee at the two-day show which got under way on Friday at Knockaloe.
But just days before the event began, Mr Dorling was informed by DEFA's chief officer that he could not attend after all - because the Royal Show has an exclusivity deal with Davison's.
The Gelatory boss said it was ‘a shame that such a key event appears to be a closed shop for businesses’.
In a statement, DEFA said: ‘The department offers its apologies to those affected by our actions taken in relation to the Royal Manx Agricultural Show. DEFA remains committed to promoting Manx food and drink and to supporting local producers, who play a vital role in our Island's economy.
‘The Royal Manx Agricultural Show is a privately run event and an important one in the Manx food and drink calendar. DEFA applies to have a presence at the Show like any other exhibitor, and has a duty to comply with the conditions set out by the organiser, with 20 such exhibitors currently operating within our marquee.
‘While DEFA openly welcomes all local food and drink producers to exhibit, the department was aware that due to an exclusivity agreement between the Royal Manx Agricultural Show and a sponsor, it would not be possible to exhibit or sell ice cream or gelato without prior approval from the organising committee.
‘This has meant that we are unable to accommodate Gelatory, or other ice cream/gelato producers in the DEFA marquee.
‘Although not our decision, we know how incredibly disappointing and frustrating this will be for Rory and the whole Gelatory team, as well as other producers affected by this, and we offer our sincere and wholehearted apologies for the delay in communicating this position.’

It added: ‘The Royal Manx Agricultural show is a brilliant event, run by many dedicated volunteers. Events of this scale are rarely financially viable without sponsorship and those organisations which provide this vital financial backing are to be commended for doing so.
‘The community’s ongoing support for the Island’s food, drink and agricultural sectors – a vital part of our economy and heritage – is greatly appreciated and we hope people flock to the Royal Show in their usual numbers and help to make this year’s event a success.
‘The department will continue to reflect on how it can best improve support and promotion of the island’s food and drink producers year-round.’