In these days of higher and higher interest rates on obtaining bank loans or mortgages I have a question:
How would I get an interest free, long term loan?
Answer: simply by lying to the Department of Health and Social Care about your personal status and so gain fraudulent benefits.
This affects each and every one of us honest law-abiding citizens and yet the courts continually impose nonsensical sentences such as a probation period plus making the cheats repay the sum over hugely extended periods.
Indeed there was a case in the last year when a female cheat will only have repaid her fraudulent gains by the time she is 115 years old.
In my opinion there should be an immediate prison sentence to deter future cheats plus the fact that all money should have to be repaid over the same length of time the cheat was defrauding the Manx taxpayer.
Names and address supplied
This letter was first published in the Isle of Man Examiner of July 11.
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