Plans for The Buchan School to move to its own facilities on the King William's College site have been announced.

Under the plans, the Fourth Form (Stenning House) and Boys' Boarding (Colbourne House) would move to newly designated areas within the College premises; The Buchan School would occupy newly refurbished modern facilities.

The initiative is planned for the academic year of 2024 to 2025.

A spokesperson for King William's College said: 'This proposed integration aims to provide a comprehensive and seamless educational experience for ages 2 to 18 and would see a faster realisation of a "whole school ethos," enhanced connections between age groups and a more integrated learning environment.'

The move would also lead to a reorganisation of teaching.

The spokesperson added: 'Buchan would continue to deliver subject specialist teaching and offer wraparound care. College would introduce a new 'shape of the day', featuring one-hour lessons, six timetabled lessons per day and a two-week timetable. The revised structure would minimise transition time between classes, integrate PSHE seamlessly, and allocate dedicated study periods for Sixth Form students.

A letter has been sent to parents by King William's College Principal, Damian Henderson, who has been in post for four months, informing them of the plans.

In his letter, he said: 'We are excited about the positive impact the proposed changes would have on the educational experience for our children. Please note, however, that they should not be seen as the final destination for KWC and The Buchan School, rather as a stepping stone on the road to a longer-term campus development plan which will start in earnest once the school is on a stronger footing.