Rising living costs continue to be a concern for many households across the Island. Nearly half of residents are very concerned about the financial cost of energy they use at home with 76% already taking steps to minimise their energy consumption.
However, the Isle of Man Government wants to help. They’ve introduced grants, incentives and support schemes to help you take action against the cost of living and keep warm in the winter months.

Claim Your Free Energy Saving Kit worth £750
The Energy Efficiency Scheme, operated by Department for Environment, Food and Agirculture, allows you to order from a list of items to make your home more energy efficient, including draught excluders, LED lightbulbs, and loft insulation. All of which will help reduce your energy usage, save money on bills and keep you warmer.
The scheme is available to homeowners and tenants with a combined income below £50,000 or those in receipt of benefits. If you qualify, assess what items can benefit your home (at www.netzero.im/home) before applying via an easy online order form. You will receive a voucher to exchange and collect your kit at your nearest depot. Those in receipt of certain benefits or of pension age can also receive an additional £500 to go toward installing items like insulation and smart heating controls, using government registered traders.
Apply now: costoflivingsupport.gov.im/energysave
Freephone: 0800 1624 276

Small Changes Big Discussions
Hear from Sylvia who discovered that the simplest cost-effective solutions greatly reduced their energy consumption when renovating their 1960s bungalow in Port Erin. Watch at netzero.im/home