Elite Fitness has moved into a new premises in the Spring Valley Industrial Estate, Douglas.

The 13,000 square foot custom-built space is now the biggest gym in the island, according to Elite Fitness.

The new space has 100 machines across a dedicated cardio room, a separate strength and conditioning area, a functional fitness space with a calisthenics rig and a boxing bag.

In addition, the gym houses infra-red saunas, a large social area with a workstation breakfast bar, and five consultation and treatment rooms, for training and rehab, nutrition advice, 3D body scans and sports massages.

Stefan White, a co-founder of Elite Fitness, said: ‘We wanted to create a facility for the island on the scale of some of the best gyms found in the UK’s major cities.’

Stefan White and Kevin Furlong next to plans for the gym that has just opened

Fellow co-founder Kevin Furlong said: ‘By bringing everything together we have created a fitness destination that will cater for everyone’s journey, whether you are starting out and just want to lose a bit of weight, rehabbing from injury, building your strength or working on your fitness levels.

Kathryn Murphy, a member of Elite Fitness for nine years, said: ‘The new facilities are just amazing, there’s so much space and you can always get onto the machine you want no matter when you go.

‘And to top it off, I love the fact that after my workout I can get a session in the sauna, or even get a sports massage.’

The new site at Unit 16 Spring Valley Industrial Estate opened in mid November, with the former location at Unit 8 Spring Valley Industrial Estate having closed over the weekend.

The new location is more than twice the size of its former site.