An R-plate driver who injured a passenger when he crashed into a field has been fined £1,250 and banned for a year.

Corwyn Cannan admitted causing serious bodily harm by careless driving.

The 20-year-old’s passenger suffered a burst fracture of the L4 vertebrae, but was not wearing a seat belt.

High Bailiff James Brooks also extended Cannan’s R-plate period by two years and ordered him to take an extended driving test at the end of his ban.

We previously reported that the defendant was driving his Volkswagen Golf at 11pm on July 20 last year.

He was on the East Foxdale Road heading towards Springfield Terrace but lost control on a bend.

Cannan said he had seen a bollard at the edge of the road and veered off the road, hitting a verge.

Three passengers were in the car but only the rear seat passenger who wasn’t wearing a seat belt was seriously injured.

A basis of plea was entered on behalf of Cannan, who lives at Railway Terrace in Douglas.

In it, he reiterated that the injured party was the only person in the vehicle not wearing a seat belt, and the crash had been the result of a momentary lapse of attention on a bend.

Police and ambulance staff attending the accident had initially deemed all injuries to be minor but the back injury was discovered later.

Cannan initially pleaded not guilty to the charge, with a trial due to be held on August 21, but on August 17, changed his plea to guilty.

Defence advocate Jim Travers handed in letters of reference for his client and asked for credit to be given for the guilty plea, even though it had not been entered immediately.

‘Mr Cannan reflected long and hard over his plea,’ said the advocate.

‘It was for the most part due to various references to his driving from various witnesses.’

Mr Travers said that the other car occupants had reported a good standard of driving, until the accident, and referred to one of the passengers who said that Cannan had just misjudged a bend as he didn’t know the road.

‘Mr Cannan has just turned 20.  This must be put down to relative inexperience on the roads.

‘It has been a significant period of time since the offence.

‘It appears to have been a momentary lack of judgement.’

High Bailiff Mr Brooks also ordered Cannan to pay £500 prosecution costs, due to work done in preparation for a trial.

He will pay the fine and costs at a rate of £100 per month.