A man found sleeping in the road by a pool of vomit has been fined £150 for being drunk in public.

Anthony Robert Collis was found lying outside the Albert pub in Douglas.

The 26-year-old admitted the offence and was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that police were called on September 27, at 2.40am.

The caller said that a male was lying in the road outside the Albert at Chapel Row with a pool of vomit next to him.

Police went to the scene and managed to wake Collis, describing him as slurring his words, unsteady on his feet, and smelling of alcohol.

He was subsequently arrested for being found drunk in a public place.

Defence advocate Peter Taylor said: ‘Mr Collis has been frank and honest.

‘He admits he drank too much and got himself into a state he regrets, and wishes to apologise for his actions.’

Magistrates ordered Collis, who lives at Empire Terrace in Douglas, to pay the fine and costs at a rate of £10 per week, deducted from benefits.