A 24-year-old domestic abuser has been put on probation and given a restraining order.

Aaron Paul Field pleaded guilty to a domestic abuse offence as well as property damage.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood put him on probation for 12 months and made him the subject of the restraining order until further notice.

Field, who lives at Derby View in Castletown, was also ordered to pay £1,002 compensation to Douglas Borough Council for a damaged door.

We previously reported that Field was at the complainant’s home on April 5 when he snatched her phone from her and ran out of the property.

She followed him outside and Field was said to be shouting at her and acting aggressively.

She shouted for help and was said to be distressed.

Field gave her the phone back and she ran back inside the house, locking the door behind her.

However, Field then put pressure on the door’s glass panel, causing it to break.

After being arrested, the defendant handed in a prepared statement denying the offence.

On April 8, Field was said to have tried to contact the woman numerous times.

He then arrived at the Quarterbridge car park where she was with a friend.

The woman said she did not know how Field had found out where she was.

He banged on her car windows and she drove to police headquarters.

The woman then went to her mother’s home but Field turned up outside there.

Police arrived and he was subsequently arrested.

He initially pleaded not guilty to the offences and a pre-trial review was due to be held on June 27, but Field then changed his pleas to guilty.

Defence advocate Casey Houareau said that, before the offences started, her client had suffered concussion from a sporting accident.

She said that this had led to a downward spiral in Field’s life after he had previously been of relatively good character.

Ms Houareau said that the defendant had self-referred for counselling relating to anger management.

‘He has taken the initiative himself and is on the waiting list,’ said the advocate.

Ms Houareau went on to say that the damage to the door had been reckless rather than deliberate, and asked the court to follow the recommendation of a probation report, for a probation order.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood sentenced Field to 12 months’ probation for each offence, to run concurrently.

Under the conditions of the restraining order, Field must report the development of any new relationship to his probation officer.

He was also ordered to pay £300 prosecution costs due to the case reaching the pre-trial review stage.

Field will pay all amounts at a rate of £20 per week.