A brand new dance piece is being created for a Peel-based dance company as part of their summer show.

Gena's Dance Academy (GDA) has commissioned leading Manx dancer, leader, instructor and choreographer Grainne Joughin to create a new piece specifically for the event, GDA On Tour, in the Gaiety Theatre this weekend.

Encouraged by the phenomenal level of young dancers in the Isle of Man and the strength of Manx dancing at the moment, Grainne has commissioned a new Manx dance piece with the backing of Culture Vannin.

Grainne said: ‘I was thrilled when Gena Walker approached me to choreograph a Manx dance piece as part of the ‘GDA on Tour’ show at the Gaiety, and to be given the creative control and opportunity to really challenge Manx Dancing and push it in directions it’s not been pushed previously.

‘I’ve been working with this wonderful team of GDA dancers between the ages of 8 and 16 - most of whom have never done any Manx dancing previously - and together we have created a dramatic piece which we really hope our audiences will enjoy.

‘I hope all the girls now feel some sense of ownership and pride in being part of this poignant step for our Manx culture.’

Grainne explained more about how she came up with the idea and what the audience can expect from the new dance piece.

She said: ‘The choreography takes us on a journey ‘In search of Manannan’ and aims to portray the feeling of adventure and bravery. It’s a rather dark piece which marries Manx music and song by ‘Barrule’, with Manx traditional steps, alongside more contemporary movements and formations. I’m so delighted with how it has all turned out.

‘We are extremely grateful for the support GDA and I have been given by Culture Vannin to commission this piece. A huge thanks to the GDA teachers for making me feel so welcome, and to the parents who have been taxiing for all the extra rehearsals! I am both excited (and a touch nervous) to see what everyone thinks.’

Gena Walker, director of Gena's Dance Academy, is excited her dancers have the opportunity to perform a brand new piece.

She said: ‘We feel very honoured to have received funding from Culture Vannin in order to produce a Manx dance piece for our show. This is a first for GDA, and a first for any dance school in the Island.

‘Thank you to Grainne Joughin for her choreography and Jamie Smith for the music track. We feel very privileged to have their support and expertise on board!’

GDA On Tour will take place on Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18, from 7.30pm-10.30pm at the Gaiety Theatre, Douglas

You can go to: https://www.villagaiety.com/whats-on/gda-on-tour/ for more information and tickets.

Anyone interested in finding out more about applying for grants through Culture Vannin can visit https://culturevannin.im/fundingawards/grantsto find out more.