A wonderful display of three gladioli exhibited by Juan Corrin won best in show at St John’s Produce Show.

Juan’s entry was chosen from a total of 531 entries into the show - an increase of 163 on last year - which took place at the St John’s Methodist Hall on Saturday.

It was a unanimous decision by representatives of the two charities that shared the proceeds from the show, Carole Male, Derek Peters and Julie Blackburn representing Mannin Cancer Support Group and Gemma Wild representing Forget Me Not Isle of Man.

Juan was described as a great supporter of the show.

The show was presented with a new trophy this year, the Sylvia Corkish Memorial Trophy with members of her family choosing it to be awarded to Best Scone, both children’s and adults.

The trophy created a lot of interest in the scone classes with a total of 33 entries. The first winner was Craig Killey.

In the evening committee member Geoff Kneen welcomed David Gawne from Mannin Cancer Support Group and Gemma Wild from Forget Me Not Isle of Man who presented silverware to winning exhibitors.

They both gave a short talk explaining how the money raised would benefit their charities.

Before the auction, chairperson Sue Staley asked everyone to pause and remember supporters who had passed away during the year, Wasna Bradburn, Lennie and Mona Kerruish, Margaret Kennaugh and Sylvia Corkish.

The committee thanked judges Sheila Gawne, Ellen Kneen, Tracy Tyson, Ken Barnes, Peter Quaye, Dougie Allen and Emilie Moss as well as auctioneer for the evening, Lee Cain.

The committee also thanked everyone who attended, including the exhibitors, for the time and effort put into producing such fine exhibits, main sponsors Dandara and Ellan Vannin Fuels, and everyone who supported the show.


Millennium Rose Bowl for Best Exhibit In Show, Sumner Cup for Best Exhibit in Flowers and LS Quayle Memorial Cup for Best Gladioli: Juan Corrin.

AD Kennaugh Memorial Cup for Best Potato, Sara Ena Christian Trophy for Best Aster, JW Cowley Cup for Best Dahlia: Bert Quayle.

Jim & Barbara Culshaw Memorial Cup for Best Sweet Pea: David Egginson.

Tom Kennaugh Cup for Best Floribunda Rose, Ivy Forrester Smith Memorial Rose Bowl for Best Exhibit of One HT Rose and Charles Corris Memorial Cup for Best Vase of Three HT Roses: Barbara Lawrence.

Charlie Holgate Memorial Cup for Most Entries in Vegetables, AFC Silver Cup for Most Points in Vegetables, T Ffinlo Corkill Trophy for Best Exhibit in Vegetables: Maddie & Steven Sloane.

Rose Bowl for Most Entries in Flowers, Challenge Shield for Most Points in Flowers and Charles H Gill Cup for Best Pot Plant: Clyde Quine.

Percy Guest Memorial Cup for Best Exhibit in Sweets, Jams and Pickles: Sandra Cowell.

WA Gilbey Cup for Most Points in Confectionery, MacLeod Cup for Best Confectionery, John Kennaugh Memorial Trophy for Best Lemon Meringue Pie: Nicky Kermode.

Betty Holgate Memorial Cup for Best Carrot: Jim Caine.

Baxter Corrin Memorial Cup for Best Cooking Apple: Pat Costain.

Voirrey Quirk Award for Best Chutney, Nan Corrin Memorial Cup for Best Jam in Any Other Variety, Teare Cup for Most Points in Sweets, Jams and Pickles: Val Garrett.

Silver Plate for Best Onion: Sue Young.

Myrtle Cowell Memorial Cup for Best Marmalade, Donald McNichol Cup for Best Tomato: Dolores Osborn.

Michael Goldie Cup for Exhibitor residing in postal district of St John’s gaining most points in Vegetables: Orrin Wardell.

Small Rose Bowl for Best Posy of Flowers by a child, Radcliffe Cup for Best Confectionery age 11-16 years: Isla Kelly.

Gillian Lace Memorial Cup for Best Biscuits in Children’s Confectionery: Harvey Corkish.

Tommy Kinrade Memorial Cup for Best Exhibit in Children’s Confectionery age 10 and under, Clarke Cup for Most Points in Children’s Confectionery, John Kinrade Memorial Cup for Most Entries in Children’s Confectionery: Azzura Mazzone.

Wirral Manx Society Shield for Best Photography Exhibit: Bill Quine.

Sylvia Corkish Memorial Cup for Best Scone: Craig Killey.

Hardinge Cup for Best Fruit Cake: Jane Arzt.

John Quayle Memorial Cup for Best Chocolate Cake: Janet Kneen.

Audrey Corrin Cup for Best Plum Jam: David Neill.

Perkin Cup for Best Children’s Art: Mya Reynolds.