The Gelatory has announced that it’s opening its third artisanal ice cream parlour in the west of the island.

It’ll be opening in one of Peel Fisheries chip shops, on East Quay in Peel.

While the popular chippy has two other shops opening seven days a week in the town, and a new delivery service covering the west, it said its business hasn’t managed to avoid the issues plaguing the hospitality industry.

Peel Fisheries said that since the Covid pandemic ‘things have changed’ and cited ‘ongoing costs and difficulties of keeping a business alive’ as the reason for relinquishing Quayside Chippy and slimlining their business.

In recent times Quayside Chippy has only been open on special occasions, such as Peel Day, and Peel Fisheries added that they’ve managed to ensure no staff have been affected by their decision to close the shop.

Recently trade representatives expressed concerns that bars, pubs, cafes and restaurants across the island were lurching towards a ‘crisis point’.

Last month an emergency ‘call to arms’ meeting was held at the Creg ny Baa with members of the Licensed Victuallers’ Association (LVA), the Isle of Man Restaurateurs’ Association and representatives from the wider hospitality sector.

Those talks led to the LVA issuing a damning statement which called for changes to minimum wage legislation and taxes, a plea which was backed by the Chamber of Commerce who said that financial pressure was mounting on many businesses ‘day by day’.

Peel Fisheries said the little chippy has ‘lots of fond memories’ for them and as they say goodbye, they ‘know it will be in good hands’ when it reopens as Gelatory.

Gelatory announced the exciting news in a video shared on Facebook over the weekend.

Opening in late June/early July, it’ll be Gelatory’s third shop, with outlets in Ramsey and Douglas, and similar to them will be a permanent fixture in the town.

In the announcement video, Gelatory owner Rory Dorling expressed his delight in extending their services to Peel.

He told Gelatory followers that the shop, on East Quay, would be open until 9pm every night throughout the summer.

He said: ‘It’s long been the Manx saying, come to Peel for an ice cream.

‘I’m delighted to say now that you can come to Peel for gelato!

‘It’ll be open until 9pm every evening in the summer, in the little shop.

‘Think of it like the Gelatory express, a bit like a Tesco Express, but without the added premium.’

Following the post, gelato lovers and Peel residents shared their happiness with the news.

One said: ‘Things are looking up for Peel, great news!’

Another added: ‘Amazing news, what better on a summer’s night than eating some gelato watching the sunset in Peel’.

And others said they are hopeful Gelatory also opens a shop in the south of the island.