A series of temporary speed limits come into force today (Friday) on several island roads for the duration of the TT festival.

The roads affected until Tuesday, June 11 include:

  • Sections of the A1 Douglas to Ballacraine and A3 Ballacraine to Ramsey Roads (which make up the lower TT Course)
  • Approach and exit to the derestricted section of the A18 Mountain Road (which will be one way from Ramsey to the Creg Ny Baa)
  • A2 Ramsey to Onchan Coast Road
  • B12 Creg-ny-Baa back road and B20 Begoade Road
  • A36 Sloc and Shoulder Road

The temporary speed limits vary from 40mph and 50mph on the lower sections of the Mountain Course and the other roads not on the course listed, to 60mph on the section of the Mountain Road detailed above.

A Department of Infrastructure spokesperson said: ‘All temporary speed limits will be signed and will be enforceable by the police.

‘Please note that these restrictions mirror those imposed during previous TTs.’