The Isle of Man TT, the most thrilling and perilous motorcycle races in the world, captivates fans and riders from around the world with its blend of speed, skill, and sheer audacity.

And with the 2024 races rapidly approaching, we took to the streets to ask members of the public what the TT means to them and what they’re most looking forward to from this year’sg event.

Jake Ball, from Peel, said while he has to work most of the fortnight he’s still looking forward to the atmosphere around the island that the influx of visitors bring.

Jake Ball, from Peel
Jake Ball, from Peel (Dave Kneale)

He said: ‘I’m looking forward to it, the atmosphere and the people coming over because they’re all lovely, and the drinks at Bushy’s obviously.

‘Hopefully they have 3 Million performing again, the live music is good.

‘I watch the racing when I can, I actually prefer the sidecars much more than the bikes to be honest, which I know is quite an unpopular opinion.

‘I love the fact they’re more dangerous and two riders are on board instead of one, it’s amazing stuff.’

Roy Hill, from Onchan, said he enjoys watching the racing at Hillberry and has been spectating the event for more than 40 years.

Roy Hill, from Onchan
Roy Hill, from Onchan (Dave Kneale )

He said: ‘I saw Joey (Dunlop), and now I get to see Michael (Dunlop), and he’s my favourite.

‘I get to the Grandstand a couple times during practice week and a couple during race week, and normally have a beer if I can get a chauffer.

‘I like everything about it, I love road racing and it’s got such a great atmosphere about it.

‘The visitors coming over, it’s magic, and keep health and safety away from it!’

Paul Hardman, from Douglas, said he’s started to find out more about the TT races and the upcoming event excites him.

Paul Hardman, from Douglas
Paul Hardman, from Douglas (Dave Kneale )

He said: ‘I’m looking forward to Bushy’s as always, but I’d say I’ve been taking more of an interest in the racing these past couple of years after I read a book called ‘Ragged Edge’ that came out in 2022.

‘It gives quite a good history and made me think more about racing, whereas previously during high school the TT was kind of something that just happened in the background, just fast bikes going past.

‘I’m also trying to see the racing from different spots this year.’

Colette Gambell, from Lezayre, said: ‘TT is great for the island and it really brings it alive.

Colette Gambell, from Lezayre
Colette Gambell, from Lezayre (Dave Kneale )

‘I think it’s mainly the atmosphere that excites me, I know it can be tricky to get out and about around the island but I think anyone who lives here already knows about that so you can play for it.

‘It’s really nice to welcome visitors to the Isle of Man and show them what we have to offer, there’s a real buzz to it.

‘I used to work in Bushy’s and I absolutely love that too!’