The La Mona Lisa restaurant in Laxey has had to reduce its number of customers because of a staff shortage.

A lack of chefs at the restaurant has been blamed on the current ‘hospitality crisis’ in the island.

Posting on Facebook, a spokesperson from the La Mona Lisa restaurant said: ‘Due to the current employment crisis within hospitality, we are working with only two out of four chefs. As you can imagine this is putting them under immense pressure.

‘To continue with our current opening hours (seven days a week), we will have to reduce the number of customers we are able to take. This means we may not be able to accept walk-ins, and despite having empty tables we may be at capacity.

‘Please be patient with the staff that are here - they are working hard to serve you in a timely fashion.’

As referenced by the restaurant’s spokesperson, the island is currently in the middle of a ‘hospitality crisis’ which has seen businesses struggle with various aspects such as recruiting staff and rising costs.

In April, around 100 owners and operators of hospitality businesses on the island called for immediate action from the government to help save the industry.

The Licensed Victualler’s Association (LVA) issued a strongly worded statement calling for changes to minimum wage legislation, VAT and taxes.

The LVA statement read: ‘Our Association and allied traders refuse to remain passive observers as our friends and families struggle or close their businesses while the Isle of Man government mismanages the funds we and other small Manx businesses contribute to our economy.

‘We urge the Chief Minister, Treasury Minister, Enterprise Minister, and top civil servants in the island’s financial departments to listen attentively. Our businesses are suffering, alongside our families and customers. It’s time for the government to address our island’s issues.’