Please reflect on your coverage of the TT. I haven’t been able to find any critical analysis about it, in any of your publications.

One of the more unhealthy aspects of being part of a cut-off island community is that people feel the need to conform and fit in.

A lot of people I know don’t like the TT.

Personally I’d go further than that and say that it should be discouraged and phased out, in light of the climate crisis, modern safety concerns, and residents’ right to not have their peace disturbed by a constant stream of very noisy engines, often being revved up gratuitously outside their houses.

It’s preposterous that in 2023 the Isle of Man Government is actively involved in subsidising, promoting and whipping up excitement, about a festival celebrating fossil fuel engine culture (and no, hydrogen isn’t going to be used for small vehicles like motorbikes, and if it was, it would be blue hydrogen and therefore worse for the climate than burning fossil fuels).

As we know, TT fans don’t like electric bikes.

A whole fortnight of people pointlessly driving ICE engines around, and getting excited about it, is ridiculous.

For an extra ‘treat’ The Red Arrows’ are brought over.

How does this make sense if we’re in a climate emergency?

What message is this sending out about how seriously people should respond?

If the TT was held on a racing track, the people affected by it would have chosen to be there.

Manx residents (including Manx born people like me) have to put up with all the noise and inconvenience and accept the fact that it’s not thought to be acceptable to complain, or question whether continuing to run the TT is the right thing to do.

You ask people in Strand Street for their opinions on issues.

Have you considered that people you come across there might not be a representative sample of the population?

Have you also considered the fact that people on the island feel that they can’t say anything negative about the TT?

Have you considered the fact that it’s the buzz of the island being busier that many people seem to enjoy, rather than motorsport per se?

Could this be achieved with a festival that’s more in tune with the 21st century?

I know this letter will annoy a lot of people. Hopefully you agree that all the positive hype about the TT needs countering though!

Name and address supplied

This letter was first published in the Manx Independent of June 15, 2023

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