A 37-year-old Ramsey man has been fined £600 after admitting cannabis possession.

Mark Peter Richards was arrested with 3.3 grams of the drug, valued by police at £66.

He was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs.

The court heard that police executed a search warrant at Richards’ home, at North Shore Road, on September 3.

The cannabis was found in the living room and the defendant was subsequently arrested.

During an interview, Richards answered ‘no comment’ to all questions.

He was said to have a large number of previous convictions for cannabis possession.

Defence advocate Paul Glover said that Richards said he had been using the drug to self-medicate at the time but now had prescription drugs so his cannabis use had ceased.

Mr Glover asked for credit to be given for the guilty plea and said that the drug had been for the defendant’s personal use only.

Richards will pay the fine and costs at a rate of £10 per week, deducted from benefits.