Manx Care has updated its visiting policies.

The first updated policy allows one visitor per patient into the emergency department at Noble’s Hospital and the minor injuries unit at Ramsey District Cottage Hospital. One visitor per patient is also permitted to the Eric and Marion Scott oncology unit.

The visiting policies in other departments and wards remain unchanged.

All visitors to Noble’s Hospital, Ramsey and District Cottage Hospital and Manannan Court are asked to do so in accordance with the visiting times of the ward. Although prior arrangement of visiting is not required, Manx Care is asking that a maximum of two people visit these other wards and departments at one time.

Manx Care said: ‘The utmost care and consideration must still be given to the safety of other patients and staff by maintaining infection prevention and control procedures at all times.

‘Please do not visit someone in hospital if you feel unwell yourself, and do not visit someone in hospital if you have tested positive for Covid in the last 10 days.’