An airline pilot has admitted installing a secret camera at a woman’s home.

Martyn James Bourner then sneaked into her house on several more occasions, with the camera recording him performing sex acts in her bedroom.

The 35-year-old, who worked for Loganair, admitted an offence of burglary, by entering as a trespasser to install a surveillance device.

He will be sentenced at the Court of General Gaol Delivery on a date to be set.

We previously reported that a person Bourner knew found a camera hidden in her dog’s bed in her bedroom on December 9.

The camera was passed to police and linked to recordings made on a device at Bourner's home.

There were recordings of the woman and other people, but also recordings of Bourner entering her bedroom when she was not in the house.

He was then said to have recorded himself masturbating and using sex toys.

Prosecuting advocate Roger Kane, who had previously described the case as ‘quite disturbing’, submitted that it was too serious for summary court sentencing and should be committed to the Court of General Gaol Delivery.

The court heard that the defendant has no previous convictions.

Bourner, whose address was previously given as Orchard Road in Port Erin, was represented in court by advocate Stephen Wood, who agreed that sentencing should take place in the higher court.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood declined summary court jurisdiction and committed Bourner to the Court of General Gaol Delivery, where he will make his first appearance next week on May 24.

Bail continues in the sum of £500 with conditions that Mr Bourner live at his home address not to contact the complainant or enter addresses specific to her, and not to leave the island without court permission.