The Port Erin Cup Mixed Doubles was held at Breagle Glen on Sunday. 

Marown had three pairs lose out in the quarter-finals, with Clare Cooper and Sid Bolton defeated 19-21 by Ballaugh's Maria and Mark Dimsdale, while Lyn Bolton and Peter Jones lost 15-21 to Marown’s Debbie Leece and Neil Withers.  

Rebecca Teare and Paul Dunn lost 20-21 to home greener Caroline Whitehead and Kevin Firth (Douglas), while Shirley and Gordon Corrin (Peel) lost 12-21 to Jenny Moore and James Teare (South Ramsey). 

The semis saw the Dimsdales win 21-20 against Leece and Withers to reach their first final, while Moore and Teare eased through 21-14 over Whitehead and Firth. 

The final was one-way traffic as the experienced Moore and Teare secured a 21-9 victory.  

Thanks were given to the club members for their help throughout and Ed Benson for preparing the green. 


Canada Life International player of the month award winners for April have been confirmed. 

The men’s went to Gordon Wynne-Smythe who impressed as he went undefeated, winning four games comfortably for Douglas A in the league then impressing with a superb 21-19 win over the experienced John Gelling (Marown). 

The women’s went to Nicci Cain who picked up her first singles title as she held off tough competition to pick up the Ladies Non-Winners Cup, coming through a tough semi-final with Joy Stevens 21-19 then beating home greener Alison Stockham 21-14 in the final. 

Katie Jacobs picked up the junior award thanks to a solid start to the season, winning her first match 21-9 at Ballaugh.  

While her next outing was a defeat, every chalk counts in the women’s league. Katie lost out by only two chalks (19-21) to one of Castletown’s top bowlers, Hannah Drewett.  

She picked up a further three wins, beating Ballaugh’s Maria Dimsdale 21-16 - her only defeat of the season to date – before winning 21-12 against Lisa Bradshaw and 21-11 versus Joy Morris.