Isle of Man Netball reports and results from Santander Senior League matches played on Sunday, October 22:


Investec Zebras 47-46

Young Farmers

This was always going to be a close game and both teams were certainly out to win.

The match turned out to be a very tense and tight affair, not too dissimilar to the England Rugby World Cup game the night before!

A strong start was made from both teams, each battling hard and there was never more than a two-goal lead for either.

Carly Craine (WA) and Ellie Looney (C) took control of the centre third and made some quick passes into a strong shooting duo of Sam Murphy (GS) and Hazel Bailey (GA).

Young Farmers were quick to recover and saw some excellent movement and shots from Nicci Cain (GA) and Alison King (GS) who rarely missed the net. The first quarter ended 13- all.

The second period kept up pace with some great turnovers from Farmers, especially from Leanne Garrett (GK) and Becky O’Brien (GD).

These interceptions teamed with some super mid-court play from Rachel Osborne (C) and Suzanne Slater (WA) meant that Farmers went ahead 27-26 at half-time.

The third quarter really was goal-for-goal and any rebounds and interceptions had to be taken advantage of and converted. Caroline Maddrell (GK) and Stacey Batty (GD) worked hard to make the most of the rare rebounds, teamed with Bethan Kneen (WD) who played a pivotal role in bringing the ball safely up the court.

Unfortunately, there was an injury for the Zebras defence towards the end of the third quarter. The pressure was building but, despite being down to six players, Zebras took the lead 35-34 going into the final quarter.

The Young Farmers side battled to the end with some great touches and interceptions from mid-court player Louise Slater (WD), but the tireless determination of Investec Zebras saw them just edge the win with the final score being 47-46.

Player of the match was deservedly awarded to Carly Craine from Zebras.