A Manx charity has won one of the world’s top environment honours at an awards ceremony held in Norway.

Beach Buddies was voted the winner in one of five categories at the Energy Globe Awards in Trondheim, being praised for its pioneering educational work in schools and with young people across the Isle of Man.

This award comes just a month after the charity received another major honour from Energy Global in London.

Beach Buddies, founded in 2006, are known worldwide for their efforts in keeping the island’s beaches clean.

The awards ceremony, which was streamed live to an estimated audience of around 400 million people, also highlighted how Beach Buddies has connected with other countries and islands around the world, sharing its ideas and experiences.

Founder of Beach Buddies, Bill Dale, attended Trondheim along with four members of the charity’s operations committee who self-funded their trip. He said: ‘This is beyond exceptional and a wonderful accolade for the Isle of Man.

‘We have been saying for many, many years that we believe we have found a simple and workable solution to the problem of rubbish on the world’s beaches and in the oceans, and to receive an endorsement like this is just incredible.

‘Energy Globe highlighted how Beach Buddies had created a sustainable and efficient system of engaging with the community to clean the Isle of Man’s beaches to standards which no other country has achieved.

‘Today in the Isle of Man, it’s now considered anti-social to throw litter in the streets, or anywhere, and we like to think we have played a major part in making this happen.’