Port Erin Commissioners has reversed its initial decision to support the Department of Infrastructure’s large vehicle and overnight parking proposals.

The DoI’s proposal aims to ban all vehicles more than 1.87 metres in height or 5.5 metres in length from parking on all speed-restricted roads overnight and at weekends.

Local authorities were given the option to submit a reply if they wished to exempt certain roads or zones in their area or just accept a whole ban outright without any exemptions at all.

Port Erin was initially one of the local authorities to accept the DoI’s proposal.

However, board members at Port Erin commissioners have said that after reading emails from residents and social media posts opposing the plans, they decided to reverse their decision.

The local authority referred to having a ‘duty’ to its residents, traders and visitors to fully consider their point of view.

Board members also stated they believe the current bylaws cover what the department has in mind for parking in the village.

Chris Thomas MHK, who was the minister for infrastructure as recently as July, commented: ‘An alternative to this was discussed at the Isle of Man Municipal Association meeting in July when I was invited as a guest.

‘This alternative would see the commissioners use their own bylaws (and perhaps stricter parking control) to encourage responsible parking whilst developing their paid facilities for motor homes at the same time.

‘I believe that Peel Town Commissioners are also exploring this option as an alternative to the DoI’s proposal.’

The DoI’s plans for large vehicles was met with a public backlash in July, with a petition opposing the plans by motorhome owner Keith Pringle currently up to 3,489 signatures.

Mr Pringle said: ‘The general public were never consulted about these proposed changes, which could affect so many local tradesmen, campervan owners and tourists.

‘That’s when a social media campaign and petition was started, with a massive amount of exposure, showing people’s concerns about the situation. All we got back from the government was the phrase ‘concerns noted’ from [Chief Minister] Alf Cannan’s secretary.

‘To summarise, the DoI said it has put the idea out to local authorities and when all the data is compiled, it will go to Tynwald for approval this autumn.’

As things stand, local authorities in Ramsey, Jurby, Ayre, Kirk Michael, Bride, Garff and Malew have chosen to reject the DoI’s legislation change, while Port Erin and Peel are considering alternatives.