Brookfield Nursing and Residential Home has held an awards evening to celebrate its longest-serving members of staff.

The Ramsey-based business gave awards for 10, 15 and 20 years of service.

In total 28 employees were recognised, having accrued more than 450 years of experience at the home between them.

Director Neil MacLean said: ‘The awards are a representation of the commitment over many years that the homes staff had given.

‘Having 28 staff out of the total 102 employees that had been with the company for between 10 years and 23 years was probably unmatched in the island’s healthcare sector in terms of staff loyalty and retention.

‘This is a fantastic achievement and something they should all be proud of.’

The longest-serving member of staff is Alison Goodall, who started in March 1999 and has spent 23 years caring for the residents of Brookfield.