A 56-year-old man who threatened staff at Jaks bar has been fined £900 for disorderly behaviour on licensed premises.

David John Alsop was refused service and told bar staff: ‘I’m going to smash your face in.’

After pleading guilty to disorderly behaviour on licensed premises, magistrates also ordered Alsop to pay £50 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Hazel Carroon told the court that Alsop, who lives at Ballacottier Meadows in Douglas, went to Jaks on March 8, at 12.37am.

Bar staff refused to serve him due to his level of intoxication, but he then became angry, saying: ‘You b*tch, you will serve me.’

He then tried to pull the bar tap and said: ‘As for you, I’m going to really hurt you. I’m going to smash your face in.’

On April 24, he attended a voluntary interview at police headquarters.

Alsop told police he had been asked to leave the pub after he had challenged someone who had looked at him.

He said that his mental health had been poor recently and he did not recall the offence, adding: ‘If I did, I’m very sorry. I won’t go in there again.’

Alsop opted to represent himself in court, declining the offer of a duty advocate.

He told magistrates: ‘I just want to say I’m sorry.’

Alsop said that he only received 25 per week disability allowance because his girlfriend had a good job, and that she would pay any fine for him.

He was given until the end of September to pay the fine and costs.