A 51-year-old drink-driver has been fined £1,300 and banned from driving for two years.

Adam Simon Jones failed a breathalyser test with a reading of 56 and was also ordered to take an extended driving test at the end of his ban.

Prosecuting advocate Rebecca Cubbon told the court that Jones, who lives at Fairways Drive in Douglas, was driving a Range Rover on August 19, at around midnight.

He was seen by police on Victoria Street in Douglas who followed him because he had no lights on.

Jones parked his car on Loch Promenade and officers spoke to him.

They described him as smelling of alcohol and he told police that he had drunk three pints of beer earlier in the evening.

He failed a roadside breathalyser test and was subsequently arrested and taken to police headquarters.

Once there, he took a further test which produced the reading of 56.

The legal limit is 35.

Defence advocate Lydia Mulligan said that the prosecution facts were accepted and asked for credit to be given for her client’s guilty plea.

She said that, on the day in question, Jones had been working until mid-afternoon.

He said that he had then met a friend and had three drinks.

Jones said that he had then later driven into town to pick somebody up.

Ms Mulligan said: ‘He felt sufficient time had passed and he would be fit to drive.’

The advocate said that there had been no poor driving and no accidents.

‘He describes himself as utterly ashamed and wishes to put forward apologies to the police and court,’ said Ms Mulligan.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered the defendant to pay prosecution costs of £125.

He will pay the fine and costs within one month.