A 26-year-old Douglas man who smashed windows and plant pots outside a woman’s home has admitted criminal damage.

Jordan Declan John Caley was initially charged with attempted burglary but that charge was changed to the criminal damage one.

Caley has also previously pleaded guilty to separate offences of theft and burglary.

High Bailiff Jayne Hughes delayed sentencing until March 7 as Caley has no address to go to and the High Bailiff said that she would be concerned if he was immediately released with nowhere to live.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that a woman at an address at Urlay Path in Anagh Coar called 999 at 4.37am on January 21.

She said that two men were outside trying to break in.

Caley, of no fixed address, was said to be one of them and he smashed two windows, by throwing a plant pot at one and punching another.

He also broke an outdoor light and was banging on the door shouting: ‘You’ve got my meds.’

Mr Swain said that there had been no direct attempt to enter the premises which was why the attempted burglary charge was changed.

After being arrested, Caley was taken to Noble’s Hospital for treatment to a thumb injury.

He told police: ‘My cousin stole my meds so I threw a couple of plant pots at the house and put my hand through his window.’

Mr Swain said that no value for the damage had been provided and it had not been established what relationship, if any, Caley had to the woman.

The prosecutor read out a victim impact statement which had been provided by her.

In it, she said that her life had been ‘turned upside down’ and her mental health had declined as a result of the incident.

She said that she had lived at her home for 25 years and always felt safe, but now was afraid to answer the door to the postman or neighbours.

She said in the statement: ‘I am mentally scarred, scars that will never heal.

‘I dread the day he’s released from custody.’

We previously reported that Caley admitted a burglary, committed between Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

On that occasion, he went into his neighbour’s flat in a building at Woodbourne Square in Douglas, where they were both living at the time, and stole a wallet containing £45 and prescription medication Pregabalin.

Caley then handed himself in to police saying that he had felt guilty about the burglary.

He also previously pleaded guilty to theft, committed on October 4, when he stole £5.79 worth of goods from Ellan Vannin Fuels on Peel Road in Douglas.

Defence advocate Paul Rodgers asked the court to follow the recommendation of a probation report which suggested a probation order as the most appropriate sentence.

Mr Rodgers said that this would enable Caley to work with a psychologist via probation.

The advocate said that the latest offence was committed as his client was frustrated and had lashed out due to his cousin taking his medication.

‘He is someone who does need help,’ said Mr Rodgers.

However, the advocate said that Caley had no address to go to, and was on a waiting list of seven people for a place at Tromode House, the probation accommodation.

Caley was said to have spent five weeks on remand.

A probation report said that Caley was being prioritised as he would need planned accommodation as he was vulnerable.

High Bailiff Mrs Hughes said that she would bring forward Caley’s court sentencing date if a place at Tromode House became available to him.