Five-piece progressive metal band AEONS have signed a deal with international record label Sliptrick Records for the release of their third album.

The Ghosts of What We Knew will be released later this year and Si Harvey (guitar and vocals) told Island Life the band are keen to ‘put this album we worked so hard on, and are so proud of, into as many ears as possible so a large new fan-base can hopefully love it as much as we do’.

The album was recorded, engineered and mixed in the island early last year before being mastered by a friend in the German band Orden Ogan.

Simon said: ‘The rest of the year was spent shopping for a label. That – we now know – is a very slow process and involved a lot of communication back and forth between our management and the prospective labels.

‘As a relatively unknown band from a relatively unknown part of the world with so little UK or EU live penetration, it was a difficult task.

‘We had moved from a local band to one dealing with international advertising and promotion after the release of Consequences but this was another level of hard work.

‘Thankfully we have a great management team and between us we got through it with pride!’

He added: ‘Late in the year we found the home that feels right for us in Sliptrick.

‘They understand Prog-Metal and their prospectus for the PR campaign is brilliantly detailed and thorough – something you would certainly not see if they did not believe and work hard for their clients and our products.’

The nine-track album focuses on the subject of loss.

Simon said: ‘The title track “The Ghosts of What We Knew” is a warning message from the future about the state of the climate - and what happens when we do nothing in response to our man-made issues.

‘This on its own is just shy of 20 minutes and contains more riffs in one song than some artists have in their entire album.

‘It’s a culmination of years of working together to produce an epic.’

He added: ‘Not that the rest of the tracks are any less so - the album closer “Collapse” is a dialogue between the Aztecs represented by Moctezuma II and the Spanish by Hernando Cortes and covers the violent, cruel and vainglorious fall of the Aztec civilization in the 16th century.

‘We have been playing this live now for eight months and it’s a centrepiece of our set that seems to really connect with people. We have also been playing the album opener “Noose” which has been going down a storm with its brutal six/eight grooves about a murder and its consequences in the wild west of the late 1800s.

‘So audiences have been listening to this album for a while now and by the sounds of it are desperate to get their hands on it.’

Simon said AEONS would be ‘completely submerged’ in promoting the release of the album with Sliptrick for at least the first quarter of the year.

‘This may mean some UK shows but most likely a ton of press, radio and magazine slots,’ he said.

‘The business of PR in the 2020s is vastly different from the 1990s and thankfully can all be done over the internet but nothing beats boots on the ground playing to a live crowd.’