Gin tales and tasting, Greek myths, a book fanatics’ quiz and a celebration of poetry all featured at this year’s Manx Litfest.

Six days of literary events at venues ranging from a distillery to a church came to an end on Sunday.

Festival director Helen Jessopp told Island Life: ‘All of us at Manx Litfest are absolutely thrilled with how this year’s festival went.

‘We had six sell out events, including our opening and closing events ‘The Book Fanatics’ Quiz Night’ and ‘Coasting’ with Elise Downing, as well as Writers’ Day, and the poetry workshop with Jay Hulme.’

She added: ‘We are so incredibly grateful to our sponsors and supporters, in particular Culture Vannin and the Steam Packet Company, our volunteers, all our festival speakers, and everyone who bought tickets and attended the events.

‘We are so pleased with all of the positive feedback we’ve been getting from both visitors and event attendees, and we are excited to build on the success of this year and deliver further festivals in the future.

‘Our committee is now enjoying a well earned break, but we will be planning Manx Litfest 2024 from December onwards.’

The new format poetry event, The Celebration of Poetry, was deemed a huge success, being more inclusive and a great way to showcase island talent.

Hosted by Jay Hulme at Noa, some 16 island poets took part.

There was also a display of written poetry by 11 island writers.

Another highlight of the festival was Ben Haggarty’s performance of Greek Myths Unleashed: Atlanta at Peel Centenary Centre.

Helen said: ‘Ben has been getting great reviews, with most people saying that they couldn’t believe how fast an hour and a half went by, it was so enthralling.’

Authors, visiting and local, delivered free assemblies, talks and workshops to 13 schools.

And Writers’ Day at St Ninian’s Church included panel discussions, workshops and a question and answer session with literary agent Hayley Steed.