A man who was found drunk on Douglas beach has been fined £100.

David Samuel Anderson admitted being drunk in a public place and was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs.

The 42 year old has 25 previous convictions relating to 50 offences, and is currently subject to a suspended sentence, imposed after he previously kicked a police officer.

Prosecuting advocate Peter Connick told the court that the latest offence was committed when police were called to Central Promenade in Douglas on May 5, after a report of a man falling onto the beach.

They found Anderson, who was described as staggering, having red eyes, and slurring his words.

Officers tried to get him to move as he was in danger because of the incoming tide. They eventually arrested him out of concerns for his safety.

Defence advocate Stephen Wood said that his client had been engaging with the Drug and Alcohol Team and was taking medication to stop him consuming alcohol.

However, Anderson said that his birthday had been coming up so he had stopped taking the tablets so he could have a drink.

‘He’s had a drink and it’s ended like this,’ said Mr Wood.

The advocate said that Anderson had spent time in custody after his arrest, and asked the court to take this into account, as he said the offence of being drunk in public would not normally carry a custodial sentence.

Mr Wood said that Anderson had fallen over and was too intoxicated to get back up, so he had wanted to stay where he was, rather than accept help from well-meaning police officers.

The defendant, who lives at Head Road in Douglas, was said to already be subject to a licensing ban.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood ordered him to pay the fine and costs at a rate of £10 per week, deducted from benefits, at the end of his previous fines.