Reporting from Emma Draper

Patrick Commissioners elected Gordon Clague as its new chair during its board meeting last night.

Over the last year, the local authority has seen two by-elections and three resignations.

But Gordon Clague, the new chair is ‘looking forward’ to the challenges ahead.

Mr Clague was elected to the board in an uncontested by-election in January this year, and was nominated for the role of chair by the outgoing chair Roger Bankes-Jones, who will now serve as the vice-chair.

Following the nomination of the chair, board members were also allocated roles on various joint committees.

Mr Clague will be the representative on the Municipal Association, whilst Mr Bankes-Jones will stay on the Westlands committee.

Henry Bridson will represent the local authority on the Western Swimming Pool board and Roger Bankes-Jones agreed to continue on the Western Neighbourhood Policing committee.

Also on the agenda was a review into the standing orders.

One proposal was to prohibit the recording of the commissioner’s meetings, but this was rejected.

A suggestion was made by Commissioner Leo Cussons that recording meetings and publishing them like a podcast could encourage people to care about what the authority does.

A concern was raised by Mr Bankes-Jones about covert recording and the potential ‘manipulation’ of the audio.

However, it was suggested by the clerk that a stipulation could be made to say that any recordings made would ‘belong’ to the commissioners.

The board agreed for this to be added to the current list.

Residents in the parish of Patrick will receive a newsletter from the commissioners explaining what they do and who they are.

It was brought up by Commissioner Henry Bridson that the local authority doesn’t have a website but he’d like to see one, but the board agreed that it would be expensive to run.

Roger Bankes-Jones said using Facebook is working, and a newsletter will supplement for people who don’t use social media or the internet.