The Lieutenant Governor Sir John Lorimer recently conducted a visit to Manx cadets stationed in York.

The trip consisted of a variety of activities, such as a shooting competition between the island’s three most senior cadets and Sir John.

During his distinguished army career, Sir John served as the Chief of Joint Operations and the Defence Senior Advisor to the Middle East and North Africa.

Aaron O’Reilly, the cadet administrative assistant for the island, said: ‘Lieutenant General Sir John Lorimer conducted a visit to the Strensall annual camp to meet army cadets from the Isle of Man on their annual camp.

‘During the visit we showcased the variety of activities which are currently being undertaken by Cheshire and the Isle of Man.

‘Awards were presented at the end of the visit based on the activities we did, with our Honorary Colonel presenting them.

‘We would like to sincerely thank him for taking the time to conduct this amazing visit for us. The cadets and the staff had an excellent time.’