The organisation responsible for securing the future of Jurby Church has been awarded Manx Lottery Trust funding to revamp paths across the grounds.

The Friends of Jurby Church group has been gifted £36,000, which will fund a new concrete path running from the gate to the church doors and around the Commonwealth War Graves.

A spokesman for the organisation said that many people were being put-off from visiting the church because of the uneven gravel paths which make access difficult for people with walking aids and wheelchair users.

Sandra Kerrison, secretary and director of The Friends of Jurby Church, said: ‘We’re extremely grateful for the support from the Manx Lottery Trust.

‘Over the years we have hosted a number of exhibitions to encourage more visitors and raise funds, however, the state of the paths is affecting the accessibility, and is limiting the number of visitors we welcome through the doors.

‘We hope the renewed paths will make the church an inclusive environment, where people of all abilities can visit and comfortably pass the Commonwealth War Graves and burial ground.’

Stephen Turner, chairman of Manx Lottery Trust, said: ‘Jurby Church is a valued community asset run by a team of passionate people, and we hope our support to help address the accessibility issues means more visitors are able to enjoy this important historical site.’

The grant has been awarded via the Manx Lottery Trust’s Dormant Assets Fund. 
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