Two Douglas-based gyms, Revolution and Fusion, will go head-to-head this weekend in an attempt to pull a horse tram across Douglas Promenade to raise funds for the Manx Powerlifting Association.

Starting at the horse tram depot opposite the Terminus Tavern at 12pm on Sunday, July 16, the two gyms will attempt to pull the horse tram along the 1.3 mile length route towards the Villa Marina.

The gym that achieves this in the quickest time will be awarded the winners.

All funds raised by the event will go towards powerlifting on the island, with the purchasing of new equipment to hold a diverse range of competitions and to cater for a much wider audience.

The Manx Powerlifting Association has already held three competitions on the island, with the sport growing in popularity in the Isle of Man.

In the Commonwealth powerlifting championships in December 2022, the island received 21 medals, as well as two junior lifters returning from the UK in April with a gold and bronze medal.

With there still being spaces for the event, you can participate by arriving at the horse tram depot at 11.30am on Sunday.

Alternatively, you can donate towards the fundraiser at