Pregnant woman are being advised to avoid crowded areas.

Health Minister David Ashford said the advice was the same as that for the over-70s.

He said: ’The advice is the same for pregnant women in terms of social distancing. They should consider the events they attend such as crowded areas.

’There is nothing enforced again. It is simply we are asking them to consider that they may wish to socially distance themselves.

’Small gatherings, family, that’s absolutely fine but what we are saying they may not wish to be in mass gatherings of people in crowded places.’

Asked whether the scientific advice had changed, the Health Minister said there has been one case in the world where there had been transmission of the virus between the mother and child but it was not widespread.

He stressed: ’Again, this is a sensible precaution. We see pregnant women as an at risk group and that’s why we are advising social distancing. Obviously, it is up to the individual to make a final decision for what is right for her.’

Under new restrictions at Noble’s, pregnant women at the Jane Crookall maternity unit will be allowed a maximum of two visitors during and after labour - their partner and one other.

The partner would be allowed there for the whole birth and then if the mother is staying in hospital for a few days, they are allowed to come in from 8am to 10pm.

The additional visitor is only allowed to come and see mother and baby during visiting hours.