A little boy from the Isle of Man has received a kidney transplant just in time for his third birthday.

Born with severe kidney disease, Aedan Klieve has been on medication and dialysis at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital his entire life.

His family, who are based in Douglas, are now raising awareness of how organ donors can transform and save lives.

Owen Morris, Renal Transplant Nurse Specialist said: ‘Aedan initially had other treatments for his kidney failure including peritoneal dialysis and haemodiaylsis. However rather than a lifetime of dialysis, his best option was always a transplant and we are obviously delighted that he has been given a new kidney thanks to an organ donor.'

Aedan’s parents Shirley and Paul Klieve weren’t a suitable donor match for their son and so the organ register was his only option.

His mum, Shirley said: ‘In August 2023, we received the call we’d been nervously waiting for and prayed would come.

‘There was a kidney waiting for Aedan.

‘We grabbed our bags and Aedan and his dad, Paul, went to Hospital by air ambulance and I followed with all our stuff closely behind.

‘The surgery took approximately six hours and everything went smoothly. The kidney was a great match and Aedan was well and sat up in his cot, giggling and laughing on just day five. I couldn’t believe it.

‘We are so grateful to the renal and dialysis team at Alder Hey in particular, who looked after us so well, during our lengthy stays and helped us get Aedan ready for his transplant.

‘We don’t know what we would have done without them.’

On the day of the surgeory, Aedan’s mum said on social media: ‘Our thoughts and prayers are also with the donor and their family today. It’s a very sad situation and we can only hope that they feel some comfort in how many lives their loss will help. In Aedan’s case lives that are saved.’

Aedan’s dad Paul added: ‘It was touch and go for Aedan, without donors our little boy wouldn’t be here celebrating his third birthday.’

Whilst the current legislation in the Isle of Man is an opt in process in 2021 a move to make organ donation an opt out system received royal assent.

Work is underway to implement the new law.

The law has already changed in England, Scotland and Wales to an opt out system, yet families are consulted before organ donation goes ahead.

To register for organ donation, you can visit: https://www.organdonation.nhs.uk/