A 56-year-old Douglas man has been put on probation for a year after admitting domestic abuse.

Philip Jeremiah had previously pleaded not guilty to the charge but on later changed his plea to guilty.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood also ordered him to pay £1,000 compensation to his wife, who was the victim, as well as £800 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that Jeremiah had been married to the complainant for 18 years.

His wife said that she had seen an aggressive side to him when he had punched a wall some time ago, but his behaviour had worsened because of drinking.

The woman said that he made nasty and degrading comments to her, and accused her of having an affair.

In April 2023, their relationship was said to have broken down, but they continued to live together.

The woman said that, on one occasion when she returned from a night out, Jeremiah had made nasty comments to her and locked her out of the house.

She said that he eventually let her in but then clenched his fists aggressively and told you: ‘You scream desperation.  Your mouth is disgusting.  I don’t know where it’s been.’

His wife said that she was ‘terrified’ of him and she made a complaint to police in September 2023.

Jeremiah was arrested and said: ‘What’s she done?’

A victim impact statement was read out from Jeremiah’s wife, in which she said that, although she did not blame the police for her time spent in a cell, it had left her feeling unable to reach out to them, for fear of what might happen.

She said that she had suffered emotional abuse, that Jeremiah’s words ‘haunted her’, and that her confidence was at its lowest.

The woman said that she had been continually perplexed by her husband’s behaviour, but had received amazing support from friends and work colleagues.

She said that work was her ‘safe place’ and like a ‘second family’ to her.

The court heard that Jeremiah, who lives at Stanley Terrace, has no previous convictions.

Defence advocate James Peterson entered a basis of plea for his client, in which Jeremiah said that there had never been any physical violence, but accepted that there had been verbal abuse on a large number of occasions.

Jeremiah said that neither party could afford to move out so they had continued living together, even though there had been significant periods when they had not been speaking.

He claimed that his wife had punched him in the chest on one occasion, which he said had been distressing because he had a heart condition.

A probation report said that Jeremiah worked as a maintenance man and had been in a relationship with the victim for 22 years.

The report said that the defendant minimised his behaviour and there was a lot of ‘victim blaming’, with a pattern of controlling behaviour.

The report recommended a period of probation as the most appropriate sentence, and said that work could be undertaken with Jeremiah on these issues.

Deputy High Bailiff Ms Braidwood told the defendant: ‘The behaviour you demonstrated was nasty and degrading, and ultimately left her terrified.’

Jeremiah was ordered to pay the compensation and costs at a rate of £50 per month.

During a later court hearing, details of a restraining order were finalised by the prosecution.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood issued the order, which will run until further notice.