A man who threatened shop staff who refused to sell him alcohol has been fined £450.

Brendan David Lee admitted disorderly behaviour on licensed premises and was also ordered to pay £125 prosecution costs.

Prosecuting advocate Peter Connick told the court that Lee went to the Spar shop in Union Mills on April 27, at 3pm.

The 48-year-old had been drinking and staff refused to sell him more alcohol because of his condition.

This prompted Lee to become aggressive and abusive, saying he would ‘cut’ one staff member.

Police were called and when officers arrived, they described the defendant as slurring his words and unsteady on his feet.

He was subsequently arrested and taken to police headquarters.

During an interview, Lee, who lives at Snugborough Avenue in Union Mills, said that he couldn’t remember much about the incident, but admitted that he could have been argumentative and could have made a threat.

The court heard that he has no previous convictions.

Defence advocate Kaitlyn Shimmin asked for credit to be given for her client’s previous good character.

Ms Shimmin said the offence had been ‘completely out of character’ for Lee, and that he had since sent a letter of apology to the assistant at Spar.

The advocate said that Lee worked at Isle of Man Meats as a factory operative.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood ordered the defendant to pay the fine and costs at a rate of £50 per week.

The Deputy High Bailiff told Lee: ‘To get to the age of 48 with no previous convictions and to behave like this is a matter of great regret.’