The guest speaker at the Probus Club of Douglas October lunch was James Royston, the fleet operations manager for the Steam Packet Company.
His talk was entitled ‘The Manxman’ and was about the new Steam Packet Company’s vessel.
A club spokesperson said: ‘James took us through the process and time scales the company used to procure the new ferry, the detailed design work that was carried out and what plans were approved.’
‘James also took us through some myths that had been rumoured about the new ferry, such as the Manxman not being able to sail in high winds; its life jackets had to be replaced; it had to be fitted with lifeboats and ticket prices would have to be increased to pay for the vessel.
‘He explained in great detail that they were not true.
At the end of his presentation a question and answer session took place with James answering all the members questions to their satisfaction.’
A vote of thanks was given to James by club member Brian Kermode for what was considered to be a very informative talk.
l The Probus Club meets once a month for lunch followed by a talk given by a guest speaker.
New members are very welcome and if you would like to join please contact club secretary Stephen Whittam.