Lloyds Pharmacy has been experiencing high levels of staff absence in recent weeks, prompting complaints from customers.

However, a spokesperson from the pharmacy has told the Examiner that it is expected to return to usual staffing levels next month.

The pharmacy’s spokesperson added that recruiting new pharmacists had become increasingly difficult and it was not unique to Lloyds.

Ten of the island’s 23 pharmacies are owned by Lloyds, with the three Ramsey stores appearing to be the most affected.

On June 6, Lloyds Pharmacy announced it would shut its Ramsey site in St Paul’s Square for two weeks due to staff shortages, mainly caused by sickness.

Other branches have also been restricted to limited opening times and are understaffed, and this has been met with frustration from local residents.

Manx Care said it was working to support Lloyds branches in the island, offering additional pharmacy staffing resources where possible, and was in daily discussions with Lloyds about the situation.

Pharmacy customer Pauline Birks, of Ramsey, told the Examiner there needed to be an inquiry ‘into the long queues and lack of receptionists answering the phones’ at the Lloyds Pharmacy on Parliament Street in Ramsey.

She said: ‘It is appalling the length of queues that seem to be increasing each day.

‘My heart goes out to the elderly, infirm and those that need prescriptions fulfilled. Not everyone has access to their own transport or someone to pick it up on their behalf.


‘There seems to be something wrong with the Lloyds Pharmacies’ systems at the moment. I feel the pharmacists and harassed shop assistants are not to blame. I feel the problem is bigger than them.

‘I know I am only one of many with the same concerns.’

You can read Pauline Birks’ letter on page 18 of this week’s Examiner. A number of readers have contacted us about the issue.

A spokesperson from Lloyds Pharmacy said that the staffing problems were a challenge due to recruiting issues and an outbreak of Covid-19 in the island.

They said: ‘There is a real shortage of pharmacists, and the profession is listed on the Home Office’s shortage occupation list. We are working together with other community pharmacy operators and the NHS to address the sector-wide workforce challenges.

‘These challenges have been compounded by an outbreak of Covid-19 on the island, resulting in a significant number of our workforce having to isolate. In the absence of a full-time pharmacist, for which we are currently recruiting, we secure locum pharmacists to support. Following a successful recruitment drive for support staff, we are expected to be back to staffing levels in July.’