Legislation that is set to be implemented next month will regulate deep faked intimate images.

That’s according to the Minister for Home Affairs, Jane Poole-Wilson who was asked on the matter in the House of Keys this week.

Ms Poole-Wilson said: ‘The subject of regulating artificial intelligence, which is used to create deep fakes, is a complex question that is currently challenging many governments around the globe.

‘I can confirm that progress has been made to protect the island against such threats, but there is a need for a broader policy to address the threats and opportunities artificial intelligence brings.

‘I can confirm that the sexual offences and obscene publications act 2021 introduces offences in relation to the distribution of intimate images, including altered images without consent.’

This would include so called Deep fakes, and would be brought into effect next month.

She said that the legislation would also includes provisions to deal with revenge porn.

The UK recently announced consideration of a new law that would mandate the labelling of all artificial intelligence generated photos and videos to counter AI deep fakes, which Ms Poole-Wilson said she would consider extending to the island.

‘There will be a need to monitor the progression of the technology such that the department and wider government are kept abreast of potential risks, subsequently creating a need to develop any future policy and or legislation,’ she added.

But Douglas North MHK, David Ashford, questioned whether more consideration should be given to legislation being created beyond the UK.

He gave the example of the 14 states in the US that are already starting to bring forward legislation, as well as India that has a four-pillar approach in terms of detection, prevention, reporting and awareness.

He said that government needs to start thinking about it now, because it will take time to legislate

Ms Poole-Wilson said that she would agree with him, and that the EU is also looking at legislation in this space.

One of the challenges for the Isle of Man is regulating for ourselves when it comes to tackling platforms through which artificial intelligence may be distributed, and where it may be important to import or rely on legislation that is already available, she said.

There may be challenges in enforcing some of this, but it is something that the government needs to keep a close eye on, she said.