Hundreds of primary school children have participated in an inter-school postcard project as part of their efforts to learn the Manx language.
Culture Vannin provided each school with a range of eye-catching postcards designed by local artist Vicky Webb of Crumpets and Crabsticks.
This year’s postcards all featured pictures of Manx produce (Troar Vannin) and Manx Gaelic words.
Children at each school were then tasked with writing a message to a child at another school in Manx, which the recipient would read out on receipt.
Julie Edge MHK, Minister for Education, Sport, and Culture, said: ‘This fantastic idea truly captured the imagination and encouraged writing and reading in our native tongue across different schools. Congratulations to all! Gura mie eu ooilley!’
The Isle of Man Post Office, a keen supporter of the Manx language, donated all the stamps required for the project.
Additionally, a number of creative competitions were also held to encourage school children to use seasonal Manx vocabulary in a range of posters and other designs.
Manx Language Development Officer, Ruth Keggin Gell, expressed how happy Culture Vannin were to be involved in the project.
She said: ‘Culture Vannin was delighted to be able to provide the Manx Language Unit, who teach peripatetically around the island’s schools, with a number of postcards to help to facilitate their interschool project.
‘Huge thanks also go to talented illustrator Vicky Webb (from ‘Crumpets & Crabsticks’) for the kind permission of her postcard design.
‘Projects such as this help children to apply their Manx language skills in a practical, fun and engaging way, while connecting with students in other schools around the island.
‘Who doesn’t love sending and receiving a bit of post!’