The following roads will remain closed until midday on Monday.

A18 Mountain Road (Lheaney Road, Ramsey, to Creg Ny Baa) and Creg Ny Baa Back Road (from Creg Ny Baa to Ballacollister Road, at Axnfell)

Note: Creg Ny Baa Hotel remains accessible from Douglas/Onchan via Hillberry

Tholt Y Will Road (from Sulby Claddagh to A18 Mountain Road)

Beinn Y Phott Road (from A18 Mountain Road to Brandywell cottage)

B22 West Baldwin Road (junction with C9 Ballamodda Road at Injebreck to junction with B10 Beinney Phott Road)

A36 Road Shoulder Road (from junction with A3 at South Barrule to junction with B44 Ballakilpheric Road)

A27 Dalby to Ronague Road (From junction with Lhagg Road to junction with B29 Corlea Road junction

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