Views are being sought on proposed guidance for pet owners on the Isle of Man.

This comes ahead of the proposed strengthening of animal welfare laws on the island this Autumn.

The ‘Animal Welfare Bill 2022’ will boost protection for domestic and kept animals and increase penalties for those found guilty of animal cruelty.

In preparation, a six week consultation has been launched to gather views on draft animal welfare codes that offer practical help to keepers of cats, dogs, horses and rabbits.

A spokesperson from Isle of Man Government said: ‘The codes reflect the latest scientific and veterinary knowledge and aim to help people to comply with the incoming legislation.

‘Whilst not prescriptive, they do provide a summary of important things to consider when looking after animals.

‘The feedback received will be used to inform the finalised codes that will come into effect when the Animal Welfare Bill receives royal assent.

Amy Beckett, chief veterinary officer, said: ‘The codes cover a range of important information, so people can make sensible decisions and provide the best care possible for their animals.

‘This includes things like their living environment, diet and ways to protect them from pain, injury and disease.’

The new animal welfare laws will apply to everyone who owns or cares for pets or livestock on the island.

It is thought the new welfare laws will also introduce provision to prosecute those who breach their duty of care with increased fines and sentences.

Care improvement notices, which could be served to give animal owners the chance to make changes before further action is taken, will also be introduced as part of the proposals.

The consultation is now underway will run until Thursday, November 2.