A Ramsey group of sea swimmers continues to expand, with 110 people joining its morning dip on Saturday to mark the end of the summer season.

The group called Morning Momentum started in March 2021 when school friends Elliott Cureton and Mike Howland looked for ways to help stay mentally healthy through the first lockdown.

Elliott said: ‘Wim Hof [a Dutch motivational speaker known for his ability to withstand low temperatures] and cold water therapy caught our attention. Then we saw that the Isle of Man had our very own Wim Hof instructor in Ian Kirk. We took inspiration from Ian and decided to give it a go. We quickly realised what the fuss was about.

‘From the first day we felt the incredible benefits. We walked out of the sea feeling a buzz we had rarely felt before and the energy carried throughout the day.

‘We had to try again the next day, then the next day until it became obvious that this was a necessity.

Over 100 people in Ramsey went for a morning dip copyright Steve Babb

‘Shortly after, friends started to catch on and join us.

‘Joe Ashworth-Hayes, Alex Foster and Dean Tate became daily dippers with us for the following year.

‘As we bobbed in the sea, conversations were flowing about how amazing it would be to have a whole community of people joining us.

‘The next addition was the running before the dip, not only is there extra benefits mentally and physically, it also makes the water feel less cold, although not warm.’

Now in the summer of 2023, with the addition of daily runners Morning Momentum has grown into what it is today and completely organically.

He added: ‘Early rise, exercise and cold water exposure is our formulae but our vision is to expose people to different ways to start their day right so they can find a morning routine that works for them, helping them be their most productive selves.’