It sounds like science fiction or a very early April Food’s Day joke, but the moon could be a place to store data – and an island company is at the forefront of innovation.

Eayst Noa Ltd, a data storage provider based in Douglas, is preparing to send data to the moon on the first Intuitive Machines’ NOVA C mission.

Named after the Manx for ‘new moon’, the firm is undertaking a regulatory test of digital storage by taking advantage of the unique properties of the Moon.

The company’s chief executive, Chris Stott, says the initiative represents a strategic step towards establishing the moon as a viable location for advanced data centre missions.

‘We are excited to be at the forefront of lunar data storage technology, and this mission is just the beginning.

‘Eayst Noa envisions a series of data centre missions to the moon, paving the way for a new era in data management and disaster recovery services.’

Working with its US parent company, Lonestar Data Holdings Inc, the company is storing data on board Intuitive Machine’s inaugural mission to serve as a dual test — evaluating both the technical capabilities and legal frameworks surrounding the deployment of data storage solutions in space.

The data being securely stored on the lunar lander is managed under the business continuity provisions outlined in the 2008 Isle of Man Financial Services Act, demonstrating Eayst Noa’s commitment to maintaining the highest standards of compliance and security.

‘This historic flight is a testament to Eayst Noa’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of data storage technology and our belief in the limitless possibilities beyond our planet’, added Brian Byers, director of Eayst Noa Ltd.

By leveraging the ESG benefits of the lunar environment for data storage, Eayst Noa aims to provide innovative solutions for businesses seeking robust disaster recovery options.

As they say, ‘tashtey fys cour laa fliaghee’, or in English, ‘Saving Earth’s knowledge one byte at a time’.