A Ramsey man has admitted breaching his bail conditions in a domestic abuse case.

Conor Robert Ryan Maguire was prohibited from entering the road where the victim lives after being granted bail on August 17.

However, on September 11, at 11.35pm, he was seen by police sitting in his car on her road.

Prosecuting advocate Barry Swain told the court that Maguire had not got out of his car or approached the victim’s property, so he was content for the bail to continue with a strict warning issued.

Defence advocate Paul Glover asked for bail to be renewed, saying the breach was not the most serious and that his client had just been out driving.


During a previous court appearance, 26-year-old Maguire, who lives at Waterloo Road, pleaded guilty to the domestic abuse offence.

This involved him letting himself into his ex-partner’s home, refusing to leave, and picking up a knife and a potato peeler.

He is due to be sentenced for that offence on October 19 after a probation report has been prepared.

Deputy High Bailiff Rachael Braidwood agreed to let bail continue but warned Maguire: ‘It’s more important than ever that you adhere to your bail conditions.

‘I do find it concerning that you took yourself down that road.

‘If you go down that road again or contact the complainant you may very well find yourself remanded in custody.’